Miniseries: A Journey Through Systems, Boundaries, and Entropy: Part 4
This miniseries expands on the concepts introduced in our prior 5 part miniseries “The Power of Process” by delving deeper into the mechanics of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS). It uncovers the intricate processes behind system evolution, exploring core principles like boundaries, symmetry breaking, iterative rules, and entropy. The series reveals how these forces shape the complexity observed in everything from natural ecosystems to financial markets. By emphasizing the interconnectedness and structured nature of systems, it provides a comprehensive view of how the universe evolves, offering profound insights into growth, adaptation, and eventual decline.
Part 4/6: From Boundaries to Iterative Rules
Imagine a universe that doesn’t rely on randomness, but instead follows a series of simple, deterministic rules to create the complexity we observe. In our previous exploration, we touched on how the universe operates as a highly correlated, evolving system. This complexity, however, does not imply chaos or chance but instead reflects the intricate unfolding of these fundamental rules. Let’s now embark on a journey to explore how these rules, applied over time, shape everything we see, from the smallest particles to the grandest galaxies.
The Difference Between Computational and Theoretical Approaches
When thinking about how the universe works, it’s important to distinguish between two approaches: theoretical and computational.
- Theoretical approaches focus on finding precise equations that describe systems in static terms, like Newton’s laws of motion, which tell us exactly how an object will move given specific conditions.
- Computational approaches, on the other hand, deal with processes—specifically, how systems evolve step by step. Rather than aiming for an exact one-time solution, computational methods apply rules repeatedly over time, much like how an algorithm solves a problem through a sequence of operations. In such systems, complexity arises not from randomness but from the ongoing application of deterministic rules that guide the evolution of the system.
When we consider the universe from a computational perspective, we see that its complexity emerges from these iterative processes, which unfold step by step, constantly constructing the universe as time progresses.
A Simple Example: Iterative Rules in Action
To understand how this works, imagine a simple grid of cells, like the squares on a chessboard. Each cell can either be “on” or “off”—black or white, active or inactive. The future state of each cell depends on its current state and the state of its neighbours. This is a rule-based process: simple rules that tell each cell what to do based on the cells around it.
Let’s start with an example:
- Initial Condition: We begin with a single black cell in the middle of a row of white cells.
- The Rule: The rule says that each cell in the next row will turn black or white depending on the state of the cells around it. If a cell has exactly one active neighbour, it becomes active (black); otherwise, it remains inactive (white).
As this rule is applied over and over again, row by row, a complex, evolving pattern emerges. The pattern may look chaotic at first, but it’s actually the result of a deterministic process—each step follows the same simple rule. This shows how, from the application of simple rules, complexity can emerge without the need for randomness.
Cellular Automata and Rule 30
Cellular automata are grid-based systems where each cell evolves according to a simple rule based on the state of its neighboring cells. One of the most famous examples is Rule 30, a one-dimensional cellular automaton studied by Stephen Wolfram. Rule 30 generates intricate, chaotic-looking patterns from a single initial cell, much like the row-by-row example discussed earlier. Despite its simple rules, Rule 30 produces complexity that resembles randomness.
How Rule 30 Works: Each cell’s state in the next row depends on its own state and the states of its immediate neighbors (left and right). Under Rule 30, the transformation follows a specific rule: a cell turns “on” (black) only if exactly one of its neighboring cells is on in the current row. From a single black cell, this rule generates an expanding triangular pattern filled with unpredictable detail on the left side, while the right side displays a structured repetitive pattern.
Why Rule 30 Matters: Rule 30 demonstrates how deterministic, rule-based processes can generate highly complex structures without the need for randomness. As a pictorial example, Rule 30 illustrates how even minimal initial conditions, when processed by simple rules, lead to intricate, emergent complexity. It serves as a visual model of how deterministic rules shape the evolving structures seen in Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) across the universe.

Complexity From Simple Beginnings
The complexity that arises from these simple rules is not random but fully determined by the rules and the initial conditions. Each step builds upon the last, with every row of cells depending on the row before it. This is how many systems in the universe might work: through the ongoing application of basic principles, new patterns and structures form and evolve over time.
At first glance, some processes in nature—like biological evolution—may appear to introduce randomness and uncertainty, especially with the occurrence of mutations and variations. However, while these mutations might seem probabilistic at the individual level, evolution as a whole is still constrained by deterministic principles. The process of natural selection, for instance, follows predictable rules that govern how certain traits are favored based on environmental pressures, competition, and survival.
This means that even in systems that appear to involve randomness, such as evolution, there is an underlying deterministic framework that shapes the overall direction of the process. Mutations may introduce variability, but natural selection determines which traits persist and which do not, based on fitness within the environment. Over time, the accumulation of these selections forms a deterministic path of development, resulting in complex, adaptive organisms.
In deterministic, rule-based systems like the one described earlier (e.g., the grid of cells), the future structures that emerge must always conform to the original rules. Similarly, in biological evolution, the complex patterns that emerge are not entirely random but are shaped and constrained by the deterministic forces of selection and survival.
This is the nature of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS): outcomes may seem unpredictable at the micro level due to local variations or mutations, but at the macro level, the evolution of the system is guided by deterministic rules. This blend of apparent uncertainty within a larger deterministic framework explains how complexity in nature, such as ecosystems or species, evolves in a way that is both adaptive and ordered, yet not entirely predictable in every detail.
Let’s look at another process that appears random. Radioactive decay, much like biological evolution, is often viewed as a random process because the exact moment when a particular atom will decay seems unpredictable. However, when we look at radioactive decay at a larger scale, the process can be seen as governed by deterministic principles. The behavior of a single atom may appear probabilistic, but the decay of a large collection of atoms follows well-defined, predictable laws, such as the radioactive decay law, which is based on fixed half-lives.
Just as biological evolution operates under the deterministic framework of natural selection, radioactive decay operates under deterministic physical laws that define how a population of radioactive atoms will decay over time. The randomness observed at the individual atom level is, in fact, constrained by the larger, predictable pattern: for any given radioactive substance, a precise proportion of atoms will decay within a specific time frame, known as the half-life.
This means that while we cannot predict when an individual atom will decay, the overall behavior of a group of atoms is entirely predictable based on deterministic decay rates. Over time, the decay process follows a smooth and consistent exponential curve, demonstrating that the apparent randomness at the micro level is constrained by the deterministic forces governing the system as a whole.
In this way, radioactive decay, like many other seemingly random processes in nature, can be understood as part of a deterministic framework. The decay of individual atoms introduces variability, but the aggregate behavior of the system conforms to the deterministic laws of physics, allowing us to predict the overall rate of decay with great precision. Thus, radioactive decay showcases how complex processes can appear random in detail but follow a larger, rule-based, deterministic structure when viewed at scale.
The Logistic Map: Complexity from Simple Rules
The Logistic Map is another powerful illustration of how simple, deterministic rules lead to complex behavior, much like the patterns seen in Rule 30. Often used to model population dynamics, the Logistic Map shows how feedback mechanisms can produce intricate and seemingly chaotic behavior over time—revealing a hallmark of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS).
In the Logistic Map, each iteration models population growth, where each new population size depends on the previous one, governed by a straightforward rule that factors in growth rate and capacity limits. At first, the behavior may seem steady, but as the conditions shift, it becomes chaotic and unpredictable. Despite this unpredictability, the behavior remains deterministic, driven entirely by the initial conditions and the rule applied. This demonstrates how feedback mechanisms create complexity without the need for randomness, a characteristic shared by natural ecosystems and financial markets alike.
To see this in action, take a look at the video below. It visually explores how the Logistic Map generates complex, chaotic patterns and connects it to real-world dynamics. From the growth of animal populations to fractal structures like the Mandelbrot set, the video provides a fascinating view into how iterative processes can shape complexity across different systems, reminding us that CAS principles apply universally.
The Emergence of Boundaries, Correlation, and Feedback Loops
These simple rules don’t just determine the behavior of individual components—they also define boundaries within which these components operate. These boundaries emerge as the system evolves and create a foundational scaffold upon which future complexity is built. However, what truly drives the dynamic evolution of these systems are feedback loops—mechanisms that allow systems to adjust their behavior based on the outcomes of their own processes.
Feedback loops are essential in understanding how systems adapt, evolve, and maintain their coherence over time. There are two primary types of feedback loops: positive and negative.
- Positive feedback loops amplify changes within the system. In financial markets, for example, rising stock prices can increase investor confidence, driving more people to buy and further pushing prices upward. This creates a self-reinforcing cycle that can lead to rapid growth, bubbles, or even eventual collapse when the feedback cycle reverses. Similarly, in technological systems like artificial intelligence (AI), positive feedback occurs when machine learning algorithms improve over time by training on ever-increasing amounts of data. As AI models become better at recognizing patterns, they attract more data, leading to even better models in a continuous loop of improvement. This self-reinforcing dynamic drives the rapid advancement of AI technology.
- Negative feedback loops, in contrast, act as stabilizers, counteracting changes and helping the system maintain equilibrium. In natural ecosystems, predator-prey dynamics offer a clear example: when prey populations increase, predator numbers rise, which eventually reduces the prey population, leading to a decline in predator numbers as well. This cycle maintains balance and prevents the system from spiraling out of control. In technological systems, a similar stabilizing feedback can be seen in AI model training when overfitting is mitigated through validation techniques that prevent the model from becoming too specialized on specific data, ensuring generalization to broader contexts.
In both cases, feedback loops provide systems with the ability to self-regulate and adapt to changing conditions. Without feedback loops, systems would either explode into uncontrolled growth or collapse due to destabilizing forces. The interaction between positive and negative feedback mechanisms ensures that complexity can build while maintaining stability.
As systems grow more complex, these feedback loops become increasingly interconnected, allowing different parts of the system to influence one another across boundaries. In financial markets, the interplay between investor sentiment, economic conditions, and regulatory actions creates a web of feedback loops that affect market behavior at both micro and macro levels. A single trade can influence market sentiment, which then ripples across the market, affecting prices and leading to further trades. Likewise, in technological systems like autonomous vehicles, feedback loops between sensors, machine learning algorithms, and real-world driving conditions enable the system to learn and adapt, constantly recalibrating itself based on the feedback from its environment.
This interconnectedness ensures that while individual elements may appear independent, they are all fundamentally connected through feedback loops that guide the system’s development. These loops, operating across various boundaries, allow systems to maintain coherence while continuously adapting to new information and conditions.
The Universe as a Continuously Evolving System with Feedback
Unlike a static system that reaches a final state and stops, the universe can be thought of as an open-ended process—constantly evolving, never “finished.” Feedback loops play a critical role in this continuous evolution by enabling the system to respond dynamically to changes both internally and externally. In the same way ecosystems adapt to new conditions, the universe, too, evolves in response to the outcomes of previous processes.
Positive feedback loops in the universe can drive the growth of galaxies and the formation of stars as gravitational forces pull matter together. This feedback encourages clustering and the creation of cosmic structures. Conversely, negative feedback loops, such as those found in the life cycles of stars, act to regulate energy output and maintain balance in the larger cosmic environment.
Even on smaller scales, feedback loops are essential to maintaining coherence within complex systems. For example, in climate systems on Earth, feedback loops between temperature, ice coverage, and atmospheric composition help regulate global climate over time. Melting ice decreases the Earth’s reflectivity, causing more heat to be absorbed, which can accelerate warming—a positive feedback loop. However, other processes, such as increased cloud formation, can reflect sunlight and mitigate warming—a negative feedback loop.
By constantly recalibrating themselves through feedback loops, systems within the universe can evolve while maintaining a degree of stability. These loops allow systems to absorb disruptions, adapt to new conditions, and continue their evolution without losing coherence.
The Limits of Prediction
Even though these rules are deterministic, meaning they are fixed and predictable in principle, it doesn’t mean we can always predict the outcome easily. Some systems are so complex that we can’t “jump to the end” and predict what they will look like in the future without following each step in the process. This is called computational irreducibility—the idea that to know what happens next, we must follow the system through every step.
Moreover, in many deterministic systems, small differences in the initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes, a phenomenon known as sensitivity to initial conditions or chaos theory. This means that even though the system is deterministic, predicting its long-term behaviour can become impractical because of how sensitive the system is to slight changes in the starting point.
For instance, weather systems are deterministic, but their sensitivity to small changes in initial conditions makes long-term forecasting extremely challenging. This phenomenon, known as the “butterfly effect,” suggests that a small disturbance, like a butterfly flapping its wings, could ultimately influence the formation of a storm weeks later. Similarly, in financial markets, a single trade or a slight shift in investor sentiment can ripple through the system, eventually leading to large-scale market movements. Despite being governed by deterministic rules, the sensitivity to initial conditions makes long-term predictions difficult and computationally irreducible.
Similarly, a double pendulum, which follows simple laws of physics, quickly becomes unpredictable in its motion due to the complexity of the interactions between its parts. These systems, while deterministic, exhibit chaotic behaviour, meaning they are highly unpredictable without precise knowledge of every small detail at the outset.
In the universe, this sensitivity to initial conditions means that, even though its evolution is governed by deterministic rules, its behaviour over time may still be unpredictable due to the complexity of interactions and the computational difficulty of simulating every step.
The Pitfalls of Per Capita Metrics in Complex Systems
In complex systems, metrics like per capita measures are frequently used to simplify data by providing an “average” for each individual unit within the system. However, these metrics often fail to capture the non-linear and interconnected dynamics within complex systems, particularly masking crucial feedback loops and emergent patterns.
Consider the economy. Per capita income is often used as an indicator of economic health, suggesting an “average” wealth per person. Yet, it overlooks wealth distribution disparities, where a small percentage of high-income earners significantly skew the metric. This masks systemic feedback loops such as increased consumption and investment by wealthier individuals, which in turn fuel industries and market demand, leading to further inequality and distorting the market structure. By focusing on per capita income, these layered interactions—and their broader impacts on economic resilience and inequality—are hidden.
In environmental science, per capita carbon emissions are often cited as a measure of individual impact on climate change. However, this approach obscures the fact that emissions are concentrated within specific industries and regions, where certain actors (e.g., large corporations) contribute disproportionately to pollution. The systemic feedback loop here involves high emitters driving climate policies, impacting resources and regulations that ripple back through smaller sectors and affect overall emissions. Without recognizing these non-linear effects, per capita metrics fail to represent the true complexity of emissions dynamics and the potential tipping points for climate impact.
In financial markets, per capita investment figures provide an “average” view of market participation, which can mask high-frequency trading impacts. When large institutional trades occur, they create ripple effects through the market, impacting asset prices and volatility beyond what a per capita measure could reveal. These trades generate feedback loops, where high volume and rapid trades can amplify market trends or crashes. This disconnect illustrates how per capita metrics oversimplify complex systems, where individual interactions and network effects are essential to understanding true dynamics.
Per capita metrics, while useful in aggregate analysis, can obscure the deeper, interconnected processes that drive behavior in complex systems. Recognizing these limitations is essential for a more accurate interpretation of complex systems, highlighting the need for metrics that account for non-linear effects and systemic feedback loops.
Conclusion: Complexity Without Randomness
As we’ve explored throughout this post, the universe’s complexity doesn’t emerge from randomness but from a set of deterministic rules that guide its evolution. Just as the introduction suggested, the intricate structures we observe in the world around us—from galaxies to ecosystems to technological systems—are not the result of chance. Instead, they are the natural outcome of iterative processes, feedback loops, and boundaries that shape how systems develop over time.
Feedback loops allow systems to adapt and evolve, creating the dynamic interplay between growth and stability that sustains complexity. Positive feedback loops drive the expansion of systems, while negative feedback loops act as stabilizers, ensuring that systems maintain coherence even as they evolve. These loops, much like the boundaries that define where one system ends and another begins, ensure that complexity can arise in an ordered, self-regulating way.
Boundaries, far from merely dividing systems, actively create the space within which complexity can unfold. They define how systems interact, and these interactions lead to the emergent behaviors that give rise to the intricate structures we see. Through feedback loops and iterative processes, systems are continuously evolving, adapting to internal and external forces, and growing in complexity over time.
This understanding—that complexity emerges naturally from deterministic rules, feedback mechanisms, and boundaries—helps us see the universe not as a chaotic, random system but as a highly ordered, evolving entity. The universe is a process of constant becoming, shaped by fundamental principles that unfold over time, layer by layer, much like an algorithm constructing a solution step by step.
By looking at the world through the lens of Complex Adaptive Systems, we can appreciate how deterministic rules—far from limiting the universe—create the conditions for infinite complexity and adaptability. The universe is not static or fixed; it is constantly evolving, with new patterns emerging from the ongoing application of simple, deterministic principles. Through these processes, we can better understand how complexity is sustained without randomness, providing us with a richer, more interconnected perspective on the world around us.
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[…] Miniseries Part 4: From Boundaries to Iterative Rules Produced by: ATS Trading Solutions Summary: This article explores how financial markets operate as […]